
Minotaur provides games, games nights and a board game community that correlates to a fair number of the interests that have been described about the student. Along with the commercial aspect of the shop itself, Minotaur has created “games nights” that invite fellow gamers to come to the store and try out any of the games they have in stock. This has led to other collaborative evenings such as crafting workshops, collectible gatherings (for gaming figurines,) and other community events.

Student Links Video: Lisa Scanlon (Minotaur) from Selina Chiarelli on Vimeo.



The value in having Lisa, or her colleagues as a potential mentor would be the application of the interest in some of the fantastical games that, although not video-oriented, are very much along the lines of a fantasy world video game. This can demonstrate to a student how they could use a love of gaming to come together as a community and invite others to join them to share their mutual interests. The shop is definitely more than just a commercial store, and for a student to see that even a simple storefront can evolve to become a community hub for people with similar interests could be very inspiring.